Stuntman bob kurt russell
Stuntman bob kurt russell

Yes you get the grainy film footage, and the purposefully poor editing that raise the chuckles they crave. It is a Tarantino film with the ghosts of so many bad old movies hovering over it. Why then does the film seem so incidental when attempting to recreate the vibe of a Corman-style trash fest? The long and short answer is that this isn't really a grindhouse film. An appropriately stupid premise tailor-made for a grindhouse market. The first of these films, is Death Proof, Quentin Tarantino's homage to the likes of producer Roger Corman's Deathrace 2000 and director Jack Hill's Switchblade Sisters (1975), with Kurt Russell's Stuntman Mike having an unhealthy obsession with crashing into cars driven by young ladies. But apparently only seeing the numbers, Quentin and co-director Robert Rodriguez decided it would be best to split their respective stories apart, and release them as two movies in the UK, flying in the face of Grindhouse logic. This despite most critics who went to see it having nothing but praise for Tarantino and chums. Grindhouse took a paltry $4.2 million on its opening weekend and has thus far failed to make back even half the double movie's budget. Perhaps this explains, to a certain extent, why the old drive-in formula of watching back-to-back trashy hardcore exploitation films was lost on American audiences.

stuntman bob kurt russell

Not the most appealing of conventions when it comes to the modern cinema audience. Clunky editing, grainy filming, laughable stories, ultra-violence and exploitation in the guise of feminism and blacksploitation.

Stuntman bob kurt russell